
Shared passion for progress.

We break new ground with confidence and trust. To do this, we need people who support us with clarity, experience and enthusiasm. A conscientious advisory and supervisory body ensures future-oriented, thoughtful and sustainable corporate goverance so that we can do our best possible justice to all stakeholders of e.battery systems.

Our Supervisory Board:


Udo Filzmaier

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Udo Filzmaier is owner and CEO of F Technologies AG (FT AG). FT AG supports companies in their further development by contributing not only capital and many years of experience, but also a network, well-founded know-how and new technologies. Udo founded the company in 1994 in Lustenau, Austria. In later years, locations in Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong and the USA followed. As education spokesman for the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce, he is highly committed to digitalization and education. In recent years, Udo started to focus and invest into his true passion: renewable energy.

Michael Leitner

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Bernhard Ölz led the large bakery founded in 1938, which has since become internationally successful, from 2008 to 2024 in the third generation. He is now serving as a shareholder advisor.

MMag. Dr. Tobias Gisinger

Member of the Supervisory Board

MMag. Dr. Tobias Gisinger studied Law and Business Law at Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck (Austria) and Cardiff University (UK), and has been a partner at the renowned business law firm SKBGL Rechtsanwälte GmbH in Dornbirn for over 10 years. He specializes mainly in corporate and commercial law, restructuring, mergers & acquisitions, antitrust law, as well as energy law and intellectual property, and operates nationally and internationally. MMag. Dr. Tobias Gisinger sits on several supervisory boards and foundation boards and is a lecturer for business and corporate law at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences.

Markus Feurstein

Member of the Supervisory Board

Markus Feurstein is part of FRS Financial Services GmbH, one of Austria's largest independent asset managers. Alongside Mag. Günter Schöch and Martin Rauch, he forms the leadership team. FRS has been operating in asset management since 1998 and is supervised by the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA).

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